
Any decision-making process will presuppose cognitive insight and intuitive insight. Enacting one without the other may affect imbalance.

Many of us grew up in codependent dysfunction. We learned to people please. We learned to place the needs of others before ourselves. We learned to rely on external guidance and validation.

To our detriment, we have ignored our intuition by placing trust in others.
To embrace our intuition, initiate trust in self.

The Intuitive Guidance session offers clarity. Oracle cards and divinity techniques are utilized to provide messages.

Group sessions are available at off-site locations. Contact us for additional information, availability, and pricing. A travel fee applies.

The Intuitive Guidance provided is not intended to replace legal, financial, medical, or psychological advice or treatment. Use your discernment.


The Intuitive Guidance provided is not intended to replace legal, financial, medical or psychological advice or treatment. Please use your discernment.