– ALIGN with what you want. Hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE. ADJUST, as needed. Be AUTHENTIC. Do not make ASSUMPTIONS – ASK questions. ACCEPT others. Repeat positive AFFIRMATIONS. Stop the AVOIDANCE coping mechanism.Say goodbye to ADDICTIONS. ASCEND.
– BREATHE. Stay BALANCED. Be BRAVE. Set BOUNDARIES. Read BOOKS. Go ride a BIKE. Plan a BEACH trip. BE. BLOOM. BOSS up. BROADEN your perspective. Don’t be BAMBOOZLED. No need for BATTLES. BELIEVE. Get BACK to BASICS.
– COMMUNICATE CLEARLY. Have the tough CONVERSATIONS. Remain CALM. Show COMPASSION. CREATE. CELEBRATE life. COMMIT to something. Release the need to CONTROL. Don’t try to CHANGE people. Be CONSISTENT. Say no to CHAOS and CONFLICT. Release CODEPENDENT relationships.CHALLENGE the devil within your own mind. No need for COMPETITION – there is enough to go around. It’s not about the CASH. More CHIVALRY. Less CAFFEINE.
– Use logic and intuition when making DECISIONS. Know you are DESERVING of all the good things life has to offer. DANCE. DREAM big. DEVOTE time to yourself. DONATE to worthy causes. Be DETERMINED. DISCOVER. DETACH from toxic relationships. Use DISCERNMENT. Do not DOMINATE. Do not DOUBT yourself. DROP belief systems that no longer serve you. Say no to DRAMA. DECEIT will not be tolerated.
– Show EMPATHY. EVOLVE. ELEVATE. Improve the ENVIRONMENT. Be clear regarding your EXPECTATIONS. Understand we are all ENERGY. EDUCATE yourself. Respect your ELDERS. EAT better. EMPOWER others. ENCOURAGE others. ENGAGE in meaningful conversations. You are ENOUGH. Strive for EQUAL balance. EXPLORE. EXERCISE. Drop the EGO. EMOTE.
– FLOW. FEEL your FEELINGS. Allow FREEDOM in relationships. FORGIVE yourself and others. Obtain the FACTS. Be FUNNY. Have FUN. FAMILY. FOCUS. Understand we are all FLAWED. Be a true FRIEND. FORM alliances. Have FAITH. Live FEARLESSLY. Embrace your FEMININE side.
– GIVE, but don’t overgive. No more GAMEPLAYING. Express GRATITUDE. All GLORY to GOD. GROW. Share your GIFTS. GLOW like a GLOWWORM. Know that all that GLITTERS is not GOLD. GRIND. GENTLEMEN are wanted and needed. GREED is not in. Have GOALS. Don’t GOSSIP.
– HEAL. Be HONEST. HONOR yourself. HELP others. Make yourself HAPPY. Have HOPE. Pay attention to your HEALTH. HARMONY in all things. HARDWORK pays off. Open your HEART. Try HOLLISTIC remedies. Stay HUMBLE.
– Use your INTUITION. Do not INTERFERE in others’ relationships. Eat ICECREAM. IMAGINE. ILLUMINATE the truth. Gain INSIGHT. Stay INFORMED. INCREASE the love you give to yourself. Stay in INTEGRITY. Set your INTENTIONS.
– Live JOYFULLY. JOIN something. Get JIGGY with it. JUST be. JUSTICE for all. JOURNAL. Don’t compare your JOURNEY to someone else’s. Use good JUDGEMENT. Say yes to JOINT ventures.
– Be KIND. Love is the KEY. Share KNOWLEDGE. KARMA is real. KEEP it positive. KEEP it real. Give KUDOS where due. Be a KID. Try KAYAKING. Go fly a KITE.
– LOVE. Let your LIGHT shine. LEARN the LESSON. Write a LETTER. LISTEN. Add LEMON to your water. LAUGH. LEAD. LEND a hand. Throw away LABELS and diagnoses. Use LOGIC. Understand that negative thoughts can be LETHAL. We all get LOST sometimes. LINK everything – all is connected. LOUNGE. No more LURKING. Be LOYAL.
– MIRACLES are possible. MANIFEST. MAGIC is real. Find your true MEANING of life. Call out MANIPULATION. MASKS will fall off – many have been MASQUERADING as someone else. Don’t play the MARTYR. MEDITATE. No more MATERIALISM. Know that what is MEANT for you will never pass you by. MANTRAS.
– NUTURE yourself. Go out in NATURE. Be NICE. Say NO. NAVIGATE life – use your NATAL chart, it’s your personal map. NEGOTIATE. Be NEIGHBORLY. It’s NORMAL to have struggles. NOTICE all in your environment. Identify the NARCISSIST. You are NUMBER one. NOURISH your soul. There’s NOTHING wrong with you.
– OFFER support and encouragement. Remain OPTIMISTIC. Refuse to be an OPTION. Be ORIGINAL. OBSERVE. Stop OBSESSING. It’s time to discontinue OVERTHINKING. Acknowledge you may be creating your own OBSTACLES. OM = amen = aum. You are an OVERCOMER.
– PEACE. PERFECT does not exist. Have PATIENCE. PROCESS your stuff – we all have stuff.PHILANTHROPY. Be PASSIONATE about something. Be PLAYFUL. Say no to PEOPLE PLEASING. PLAYERS aren’t acceptable. PRIORITIZE. Be PERSISTANT. PERSEVERE. Remain PROACTIVE. Give PRAISE. Shift your PERCEPTION. When choosing a PARTNER, be PARTICULAR. Identify your repeated PATTERNS.
– QUIET the mind. QUESTION things. Have QUICK-WIT. QUALITY. Be QUIRKY. QUENCH your thirst – drink tons of water. Go on a QUEST. Treat women like QUEENS.
– You are RESPONSIBLE for what you say and do – even if you choose inaction. RELEASE negative self-talk. RESPECT everyone. REASSESS, as needed. RELATE differently.Be RADIANT. Be REAL. Your REPUTATION matters. You are RESILIENT. Be RELIABLE. RESOLVE matters. REVEAL the truth. REWARD others. REST. REPROGRAM your mind. RECYCLE.Know that sometimes REJECTION is for your protection.
– SURRENDER. SMILE. STOP the SILENT treatment – it’s emotionally abusive. No more SECRETS. SPEAK your truth. STAND in your power. Enjoy the SWEETNESS life has to offer. Some things are SACRED. Have a conversation about SAFETY, SECURITY and STABILITY. We all STRUGGLE. SELF-LOVE. SELF-ACCEPTANCE. SELF-RELIABILITY. Be SINCERE. Say no to the SMOOTH talker. SPARKLE and SHINE. It’s time to stop the SELF-SABOTAGE. SHARE.
– Be UNDERSTANDING. UNCOVER the fear and the feelings. Give UNCONDITIONAL love. Remain UPBEAT. Be an UPSTANDING citizen. Allow life to UNFOLD. UNWIND. Be UPFRONT. UPLIFT.
– VIBRATE high. VALUE yourself and others. Create a VISION. Take your VITAMINS. Take a VACATION. You don’t need others to VALIDATE you.Be the VICTOR. All things VINTAGE. VOLUNTEER.
– Have WILLPOWER. Know your WORTH. Share your WISDOM. It’s not about WINNING. WHOLENESS. Be WARM. Show your WILD side. Make WISHES. Make the WORLD a better place. WELCOME everyone. Be WILLING to learn. Knowledge is WEALTH.
– Determine your own X-FACTOR. X out all things not healthy. Plant your own XYSTI. Use your X-RAY vision to see people as they truly are, not as you want them to be.
– Focus on YOU. Be YOUTHFUL. Be YOURSELF. Say YES to what makes you happy. Try YOGA. Make YUMMY part of your vocabulary.
– Visit the ZOO. Have a ZEST for life. ZAP anyone or anything that steals your joy.
Christine Langley-Obaugh, M.Ed.
Founder of STREST™