
Perfect is a “state of being complete”. According to Online Etymology Dictionary (, the word perfection is defined as completeness. Perfection can also signify purity. In the Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition), 1998, purity refers to the most desired [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:52:11-05:00January 30, 2023|News|0 Comments

Mind Strategy™

Negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and fears can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Our mind story is based on past experiences and trauma exposures. In our mindset, we can attach a meaning to an incident or make [...]

By |2023-12-28T11:18:19-05:00January 27, 2023|News|0 Comments


Power is internal. Intention setting is a factor. Change occurs relative to the consistency and polarity of our thinking. Utilization of senses act as selective receptors. Intuition amplifies outcome. Connection detection routes signals. Separation leads to discrimination. Receipt reflects [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:52:44-05:00January 24, 2023|News|0 Comments


Souls investing in resolution will evolve.Commitment will parallel clarity. Understanding will transfer. Connectedness. Compassion. Query upon ambiguity. Bounty appears when two become one. Christine Langley-Obaugh, M.Ed. Founder of STREST™

By |2023-12-28T10:53:28-05:00January 22, 2023|News|0 Comments


Relationship disconnectedness is the collapse of communication. Balance will allow us to move beyond obstacles. Harmony requires investment. Effort and experience will yield progress. Capture of perspective strengthens trust. Escape of conversation perpetuates hostility. Acceptance of understanding guides resolution. [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:53:40-05:00January 20, 2023|News|0 Comments


We are the creators of our own reality.  Our choices determine our destiny. Ownership of self produces benefits. Our responsibility is the impact we reflect. Connections bring wisdom. Reciprocation guides success. As above so below. Heaven can be replicated [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:53:51-05:00January 15, 2023|News|0 Comments

Prevent Disease

Knowledge is key in the prevention of illness and disease. Upon gaining understanding that everything is connected, one can clearly see the relationship between mind, body, and soul. When we hold a mindset of lack, our physical bodies become [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:54:22-05:00January 11, 2023|News|0 Comments

Entire Self

In order to become whole, we must accept everything, good and bad, about ourselves. Acceptance can be difficult. Honesty is a requirement. To sit in silence without distractions is a challenge. Stillness allows connection with self. Instead of labeling something [...]

By |2023-12-28T11:10:55-05:00January 7, 2023|News|0 Comments

Identify Pain

All of us will experience challenges and obstacles in life. The resistance of acknowledgement of pain only prolongs our suffering. To process any feeling, we must identify the emotion. Once we identify the emotion, we can begin to understand the [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:54:37-05:00January 5, 2023|News|0 Comments

New Rules 2023

In 2023, we will need to adapt to a compassionate way of being. Given the adjustments we have had to make over the last several years, a modified communication style is necessary. To avoid a continuation of unhealthy patterns, we [...]

By |2023-12-28T10:55:25-05:00January 3, 2023|News|0 Comments
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